If we're planning to go to Denpasar, one the most interest information must be have is air company flys. If we luck, we can get cheap flight to Denpasar. What difference time between GMT and Denpasar? Denpasar time is 8 hour ahead from GMT.
There are not yet available direct flights between Los Angeles and Denpasar at the moment. There are several alternative to go to Denpasar from Los Angeles :
- Using Cathay Pacific, it's not direct flight. This flight via Hong Kong.
- Malaysia Airlines, Malaysia airlines has daily flight from Los Angeles to Kuala Lumpur via Taipei. Don't worry connecting flights to Denpasar because connecting flights process should not be concerned. As we know that Kuala Lumpur airport is one of the best airports in the world as well.
- China Airlines offers LAX-TPE-DPS service.
- Singapore Airlines offers direct flight from Los Angeles to Singapore, after that we can change plane and head to Denpasar.